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Stellvertretender Souschef (m/w/d) - (Extranjero)

Mié, 07/02/2024 - 07:36
Empresas: Familienhotel Kreuzwirt
EinleitungWir suchen ab 7. Mai 2024 einen stellvertretenden Sous Chef (m/w/d) für eine 5,5 Tage Woche mit ca. 52 Wochenstunden zur Verstärkung unseres Teams. Ihre AufgabenVorbereiten unserer regionalen und biologischen Speisen für Groß und Klein Zubereiten des Mittarbeiteressens und des Kindermittagstisch Einhaltung und Kontrolle des Hygienestandards Hand in Hand Arbeit mit dem Sous Chef Ausbildung der Lehrlinge täglich anfallende Reinigungsarbeiten Wir bieten:Kostenlose Unterbringung in unserem Mitarbeiterwohnhaus (ca. 1 km vom Hotel entfernt) mit Verpflegung auch an freien Tagen oder direkt im Hotel. Unser Mitarbeiterhaus verfügt über Einzelzimmer und/oder Doppelzimmer mit Bad/WC, eine gemeinschaftliche Küche und Aufenthaltsraum, Garten, sowie über einen Waschraum oder Unterbringung direkt im Hotel. Du kannst unsere Hoteleinrichtungen wie Fitnessraum, Badestege am See etc. kostenfrei mitbenutzen. Lohn je nach Qualifikationsprofil; aliquotes 13. und 14. Gehalt, zzgl. Feiertage und weitere Überstunden 1,5 fixe freie Tage Kostenfreies WLAN Benefits in der Region Stundenweise Kinderbetreuung möglich und gemeinsamer freier Tag mit Partner/in Die Entlohnung richtet sich nach dem Kollektivvertrag für Hotel- und Gastgewerbe zzgl. Zuschläge und gesetzlichen Sozialleistungen. KV-Überzahlungen sind je nach Qualifikationsprofil möglich.

Requisitos :

Du kochst leidenschaftlich gerne und legst großen Wert auf qualitativ hochwertige, regionale und biologische Produkte? Darüber hinaus bist du ein Teamplayer, zuverlässig und arbeitest sauber - dann bist du in unserem Familienhotel genau richtig!

  • Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung
  • Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung vorteilhaft
  • Sprachkenntnisse Deutsch C1
Categorías: Empleo

Night Auditor 28.06.2024 - 30.09.2024 - ()

Mié, 07/02/2024 - 07:36
Empresas: AlpenGold Hotel
EinleitungDas AlpenGold Hotel ist Teil der renommierten Michel Reybier Hospitality Group. Gelegen in den wunderschönen Bündner Alpen, 1560 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel, in Davos, der höchstgelegenen Stadt Europas, bietet das AlpenGold Hotel alles, was Ferien-, aber auch Businessgäste sich wünschen. Alle 216 Zimmer und Suiten haben einen eigenen Balkon mit einer atemberaubenden Sicht über die Alpenstadt und die Landschaft von Davos. Das Hotel verfügt über 3 Restaurants, zwei Bars, einen einzigartigen Kids Club, den exklusiven Nescens Spa über 1200 m² und modernste Konferenzeinrichtungen, welche sich auf 1500 m² erstrecken. Wollen Sie Teil dieser spannenden Neueröffnung sein? Dann freuen wir uns sehr über Ihre Bewerbung! Ihre AufgabenIn dem Moment, in dem ein Gast unser Hotel betritt, beginnt für ihn ein unvergessliches Erlebnis. Sie sind gemeinsam mit dem Nacht Team verantwortlich für die Gästebetreuung und Sicherheit in der Nacht. Sie sind für die Rezeptionstätigkeiten während der Nacht zuständig und sind verantwortlich für den Tagesabschluss. Ihre Aufgaben Sicherstellung eines freundlichen Check-In und Check-Out unserer Gäste Unterstützung der Gäste in allen Belangen, von Fragen zur Abrechnung bis hin zu Ortskenntnissen Direkter Ansprechpartner für unsere Gäste Annahme, Bearbeitung sowie die Lösung von Gästereklamationen Annahme und Bearbeitung von Reservierungen in Abwesenheit der Reservierungsabteilung Durchführung des Tagesabschluss. Wir bietenEin junges aufgestelltes Team Mitarbeiterkantine Mitarbeiterunterkunft

Requisitos :

Wir erwarten

  • Eine abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung in der Hotellerie und erste Erfahrungen im Front Office Bereich
  • Gute EDV-Kenntnisse, wünschenswert wären Kenntnisse in Opera oder einem ähnlichen PMS
  • Kommunikative Fähigkeiten – die Gäste werden sich sowohl mit Beschwerden als auch positivem Feedback an Sie wenden. Deshalb sind Sie immer offen und ansprechbar.
  • Flexibilität – zu Ihrer Position gehören Nacht-, Wochenend- und Feiertagsschichten
  • Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse. Weitere Fremdsprachenkenntnisse sind von Vorteil.
  • Exzellente Umgangsformen und gepflegtes Äusseres, sowie eine positive Ausstrahlung
  • Aufgeschlossenheit und Teamfähigkeit.

Categorías: Empleo

Spa Receptionist (all gender) - ()

Mié, 07/02/2024 - 07:36
Empresas: Badrutt's Palace Hotel
EinleitungWir suchen für die Sommersaison 2024 eine(n) SPA Receptionist Ihre AufgabenSie ergänzen unser Palace Wellness Team und sind in den folgenden Bereichen tätig: Professionelle persönliche und telefonische Beratung und Betreuung unserer Gäste Handling der Reservierungen für unsere Treatments Einsatzplanung der Räume und Therapeuten Verkauf von Wellness- und Beauty Produkten Erstellung der Tagesabrechnung und Pflege der Gästekartei Unser AngebotBefristete Saisonstelle ab Mitte Juni bis Mitte September 2024, weitere Saisons erwünscht 5-Tage Woche im Schnitt bei 43,5 Stunden 5 Wochen Ferien und 6 Feiertage pro Jahr 13. Gehalt ab Eintritt (pro rata temporis) Auf Wunsch Unterkunft in unserem Mitarbeiterhaus Verpflegungsmöglichkeit im Mitarbeiter Restaurant Arbeit in einem attraktiven Umfeld Attraktive Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten

Requisitos :

Für diese sehr abwechslungsreiche Position bringen Sie idealerweise folgendes mit:

  • Erfahrung an der Spa-Reception in der 5* Hotellerie oder einem gehobenen Wellness Clubs
  • Ausbildung als Kosmetikerin oder Massagetherapeutin von Vorteil
  • Sehr gute Sprachkenntnisse in Deutsch, Englisch, Italienisch von Vorteil
  • Gute EDV-Anwenderkenntnisse der MS-Office Programme
  • Verkaufstalent und gutes Gespür für Menschen, hohe Teamorientierung
  • Hohe Einsatzbereitschaft, Belastbarkeit
  • Gepflegtes Erscheinungsbild und sehr gute Umgangsformen
Categorías: Empleo

Reservation Agent (all gender) - ()

Mié, 07/02/2024 - 07:35
Empresas: Badrutt's Palace Hotel
EinleitungWir suchen ab 1. Juli 2024 eine(n) Reservation Agent Ihre Aufgaben Sie ergänzen unser Reservations Team und sind in den folgenden Bereichen tätig: Mitarbeit in unserem Reservations Team bestehend aus 3-4 Verkaufsprofis Telefonverkauf und Bearbeitung von Kundenanfragen Mithilfe bei der Bearbeitung von Gruppenbuchungen Pflege der Reservationssysteme und der Protel-Datenbanken Enge Zusammenarbeit mit den Abteilungen Front Office, Sales & Marketing sowie dem Event Team Unser AngebotBefristete Saisonstelle von Anfang Juli 2024 bis Anfang April 2025 5-Tage Woche im Schnitt bei 43,5 Stunden 5 Wochen Ferien und 6 Feiertage pro Jahr 13. Gehalt ab Eintritt (pro rata temporis) Auf Wunsch zu Beginn Unterkunft in einem unserer schönen Mitarbeiterhäuser Verpflegungsmöglichkeit in unserem neuen, modernen Mitarbeiter Restaurant Arbeit in einem attraktiven Umfeld mit Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten

Requisitos :

Für diese sehr abwechslungsreiche Position bringen Sie idealerweise folgendes mit:

  • Ausbildung als Hotelkauffrau/-mann oder einer abgeschlossenen Hotelfachschule
  • Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung am Front Office und in der Reservierungsabteilung in der Luxushotellerie
  • Stilsichere Korrespondenz
  • Sehr gute Sprachkenntnisse in Deutsch und Englisch (mündlich und schriftlich), jede weitere Sprache insbesondere Russisch und Italienisch von Vorteil
  • Gute EDV-Anwenderkenntnisse der MS-Office Programme, Protelkenntnisse von Vorteil
  • Hohe Einsatzbereitschaft, Belastbarkeit und Teamfähigkeit
  • Gewinnendes Auftreten und sehr gute Umgangsformen
Categorías: Empleo

Chef de Rang (m/w) mit Eintritt für die Sommersaison und gerne länger - ()

Mié, 07/02/2024 - 07:35
Empresas: Blatter's Hotel Arosa
EinleitungWir bieten Ihnen eine interessante Position in unserem Blatter's Arosa Hotel. In dieser Position sind Sie mitverantwortlich für die Führung des Serviceteams im Sommer. Mit Ihrem charmanten Auftreten und Ihrem motivierten sowie herzlichen Einsatz stützen Sie unsere hohe Qualität und helfen so mit unsere Gäste immer wieder zu begeistern. Ihre AufgabenIm Team sind Sie verantwortlich für: Beratung, Bestellaufnahme und Bedienung der Gäste Mithilfe im Frühstückservice Ein- und Umdecken der Tische Abrechnung des Verkaufs weitere Arbeiten im Servicebereich Wir bietenSie dürfen von uns ein interessantes und abwechslungsreiches Arbeitsumfeld erwarten. Als Privatbetrieb pflegen wir ein angenehmes Arbeitsklima und tendieren auf eine längere Zusammenarbeit. Eine moderne Arbeitszeiterfassung ist für uns selbstverständlich. Profitieren Sie von unserem Rundumpaket, welche alle Eintritts- und Formalitätsaufwendungen einschliessen. Wenn Sie möchten können Sie von uns eine Wohnung oder ein neues 1 Zimmer Appartement mieten oder wir helfen Ihnen bei der Suche nach einer Unterkunft. Zusätzlich profitieren Sie von: einem Bahn- oder Benzingutschein bei vertragskonformer Beendigung der Saison vergünstigten Skipässen und kostenfreie Skipässe an vereinzelten Tagen im WInter und von der Arosa All-inklusive Karte im Sommer vergünstigte Zimmerpreise für Familienangehörige Bonus für Vermittlung von Berufskollegen/innen Sie arbeiten und leben in einem der schönsten Tourismusorte der Schweiz. Vielfältige Sportmöglichkeiten sind im Sommer wie auch im Winter gegeben.

Requisitos :

Wir erwarten von Ihnen:

  • abgeschlossene Berufslehre und/oder eine solide Erfahrung in der Saisonhotellerie
  • herzliches und fröhliches Naturell, ein Lächeln ist für Sie normal
  • Spass an Ihrem Beruf und dienstleistungsorientierte Grundhaltung
  • eine gesunde Flexibilität sowie eine gute Belastungsgrenze
  • Aufmerksamkeit und Verständnis in hektischen Situationen
  • Schweizer Muttersprache oder sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse
Categorías: Empleo

Jefe/a de Cocina - (Madrid)

Mié, 07/02/2024 - 07:31
Empresas: Abba Madrid Hotel
Buscamos incorporar Jefe/a de Cocina, con experiencia y apasionado para nuestro equipo. Podrá disfrutar de trabajar en un ambiente muy dinámico y con posibilidades de crecimiento. Deberá ser una persona responsable, con capacidad de trabajo en equipo, con capacidad de liderazgo, organizada, empática, con vocación de servicio al cliente, presencia cuidada y resolutiva. - Será responsable de organizar, dirigir y coordinar el trabajo del personal a su cargo. - Gestión de escandallos/costes y compras. - Control de registros de temperaturas, APPCC, limpiezas. - Planificación, supervisión y gestión de la apertura y servicio diario. - Colaborar en el montaje, servicio y desmontaje de bufetes. - Desarrollar una cocina de vanguardia y tradicional. Elaboración y creación de menús. - Coordinación de comandas y supervisión del proceso de elaboración de la oferta gastronómica. - Revisar y controlar el material de uso en la cocina. - Supervisión del cumplimiento de las normas de higiene y seguridad. - Velar por el buen servicio y la calidad, atendiendo las demandas de los clientes. - Colaborar en la planificación de menús y cartas. - Colaborar en la gestión de costes e inventarios, así como en las compras. - Orientación al cliente, planificación, resolución de conflictos, ejecución y trabajo en equipo.
Requisitos : - Experiencia previa en puesto similar de 2 años en hotel de 4 o 5*. - Control de personal, llevar un equipo. - Conocimiento de despieces y Manipulación de producto en crudo (carnes y pescados). - Formación en manipulación de alimentos y alérgenos. - Manejo de Microsoft Office y nuevas tecnologías. - Experiencia en control de stocks. - Experiencia en gestión de consumos. - Asegurar la satisfacción en la experiencia del cliente, mediante el cumplimiento de los estándares de calidad. - Presencia Cuidada. - Idiomas: Valorable dominio de Inglés. - Flexibilidad horaria. TURNO PARTIDO. - Se ofrece sueldo según convenio, convenio hospedaje CM.
Categorías: Empleo

Ejecutivo de Turismo Receptivo - (Ciudad de México)

Mié, 07/02/2024 - 05:44
Empresas: Opertravel México
• Atención personalizada a clientes AGV´s, asesoría, planificación y organización de paquetes (individuales y grupos) • Cotizaciones y operaciones: vuelos, hoteles, transportes y actividades turísticas (individuales y grupos) • Negociar tarifas con proveedores
Requisitos : Experiencia en turismo receptivo: latino, americano y europeo Conocimientos geográficos de México, productos y servicios turísticos Dominio Office nivel intermedio Profesional, responsable, puntual, honesto, proactivo y organizado Facilidad de palabra Edad de 25 a 30 años
Categorías: Empleo

Reception Internship in Hong Kong - ()

Mié, 07/02/2024 - 03:05
Empresas: RMC Asia
DESCRIPTION RMC Asia is currently seeking reception interns on behalf of Marriott International in Hong Kong! This opportunity is a part of RMC Asia's Cultural Exchange Programs, offering a variety of internships, management training, and contractual positions in hotels and resorts across Asia. Seize the chance to learn from and collaborate with industry professionals while exploring the myriad possibilities in Hong Kong. Submit your application today! DETAILS Host: Multiple 5-Star Hotels by Marriott International Destination: Hong Kong Department: Front Office Program: Hospitality & Business Internship Duration: 6 months Intake: Immediately RECEPTION - RESPONSIBILITIES - Greet guests, check them in, and provide information about hotel services - Facilitate the check-in and check-out processes for guests - Handle guest inquiries, requests, and complaints professionally - Assist in managing reservations and room assignments - Answer phone calls, respond to emails, and communicate with guests - Process payments, handle cash transactions, and provide receipts - Coordinate with other hotel departments to ensure smooth operations - Other related duties in the front office department PROGRAM BENEFITS - Housing arrangements - Visa sponsorship - Monthly allowance - 2 - 3 on-duty meals per day - Uniform with laundry service - Medical insurance - Arrival support (airport pick-up) - Recruitment opportunity by the host - An unforgettable educational travel experience - Additional benefits provided by the host!
Requisitos : GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - Enrolled students in college or university - Mandatory college or university reference letter - Conversational English - Physically fit - Well-groomed - Pleasant personality - Clean criminal record - No drug abuse - Minimum 6 months passport validity
Categorías: Empleo

Culinary Arts Internship in Mui Ne, Vietnam - ()

Mié, 07/02/2024 - 03:04
Empresas: RMC Asia
DESCRIPTION The RMC Asia team is recruiting talents to join the culinary arts internship offered by The Anam Group in Mui Ne, Vietnam. This unique opportunity is a part of RMC Asia's Cultural Exchange Programs, offering a range of internships, management training, and contractual positions within hotels and resorts across Asia. Whether you're working closely with culinary experts or immersing yourself in the enchanting surroundings of Vietnam, diverse experiences are waiting for you here! Act promptly and submit your application now. DETAILS Host: A 5-Star Resort by The Anam Group Destination: Mui Ne, Vietnam Department: Kitchen Program: Hospitality & Business Internship Duration: 6 - 12 months Intake: Immediately CULINARY ARTS - RESPONSIBILITIES - Assisting in the preparation and presentation of dishes - Learning various cooking techniques and methods - Maintaining a clean and organized kitchen - Assisting in kitchen management and inventory control - Participating in menu development and recipe testing - Following food safety and sanitation guidelines - Assisting in the set-up and breakdown of kitchen stations - Observing and learning from experienced chefs - Participating in regular training and development opportunities - Other related duties in the kitchen department PROGRAM BENEFITS - Accommodation - Visa sponsorship - Monthly allowance - 3 on-duty meals per day - Local transportation - Uniform with laundry service - Travel and health insurance - Arrival support (airport pick-up) - Recruitment opportunity by the host - An unforgettable educational travel experience - Additional benefits provided by the host!
Requisitos : GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - Enrolled students only - School, college, or university reference letter - Conversational English - Physically fit - Well-groomed - Pleasant personality - Clean criminal record - No drug abuse - Minimum 6 months passport validity
Categorías: Empleo

Pastry & Bakery Internship in Dubai, United Arab Emirates - ()

Mié, 07/02/2024 - 03:03
Empresas: RMC Asia
RMC Asia is currently seeking pastry and bakery interns for a 4-star hotel by Accor in Dubai, UAE. This exciting opportunity is part of RMC Asia's Cultural Exchange Programs, providing diverse internships, management training, and contractual positions across hotels and resorts in Asia. As a participant, you will have the chance to learn from and work with industry experts while immersing yourself in the captivating atmosphere of the UAE. Kickstart your journey by applying today! DETAILS Host: A 4-Star Hotel by Accor Destination: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Department: Kitchen Program: Hospitality & Business Internship Duration: 12 months Intake: February 2024 PASTRY & BAKERY - RESPONSIBILITIES - Participate in the preparation of a variety of baked goods and pastries - Assist in the development and testing of new recipes - Decorate cakes and pastries with various techniques - Assist in the artistic presentation of pastries and desserts - Coordinate with other kitchen staff to ensure timely production - Actively participate in training programs and workshops - Other related duties in the kitchen department PROGRAM BENEFITS - Accommodation - Visa sponsorship - Monthly allowance - 3 on-duty meals per day - Local transportation - Uniform with laundry service - Medical insurance - Arrival support (airport pick-up) - Recruitment opportunity by the host - An unforgettable educational travel experience - Additional benefits provided by the host!
Requisitos : GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - Enrolled students or recent graduates within 24 months - School, college, or university reference letter - Conversational English - Physically fit - Well-groomed - Pleasant personality - Clean criminal record - No drug abuse - Minimum 6 months passport validity
Categorías: Empleo

Bar Operations Internship in Phuket, Thailand - (Madrid)

Mié, 07/02/2024 - 03:02
Empresas: RMC Asia
DESCRIPTION RMC Asia is currently seeking bar operations interns for Marriott International's 5-star hotel in Phuket! This opportunity is part of Cultural Exchange Programs by RMC Asia, which provide a range of internships, management training, and contractual positions in hotels and resorts throughout Asia. By becoming a part of this program, you'll be shaping your journey in the global hospitality industry while relishing the vibrant culture of Thailand. Seize the opportunity and submit your application today! DETAILS Host: A 5-Star Hotel by Marriott International Destination: Phuket, Thailand Department: Food & Beverage Program: Hospitality & Business Internship Duration: 6 months Intake: March and April 2024 BAR OPERATIONS - RESPONSIBILITIES - Assisting with bar setup and preparation before service hours - Learning and practicing proper drink-mixing techniques and cocktail recipes - Assisting in inventory management, including monitoring stock levels, placing orders, and restocking supplies - Maintaining cleanliness and organization of the bar area, including bar equipment and glassware - Interacting with customers, taking orders, and providing friendly and efficient service - Learning about and following relevant health and safety regulations and guidelines - Assisting in creating and updating beverage menus, including suggesting new cocktails and specials PROGRAM BENEFITS - Accommodation - Visa sponsorship - Monthly allowance - 2 - 3 on-duty meals per day - Local transportation - Uniform with laundry service - Group insurance - Arrival support (airport pick-up) - Recruitment opportunity by the host - An unforgettable educational travel experience - Additional benefits provided by the host!
Requisitos : GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - Enrolled students or recent graduates within 24 months - School, college, or university reference letter - Conversational English - Physically fit - Well-groomed - Pleasant personality - Clean criminal record - No drug abuse - Minimum 6 months passport validity
Categorías: Empleo

Guest Relations Internship in Maldives - (Madrid)

Mié, 07/02/2024 - 03:01
Empresas: RMC Asia
DESCRIPTION RMC Asia is recruiting guest relations interns on behalf of Aydeniz Group's 5-star island resort in the Maldives! This program is part of RMC Asia's Cultural Exchange Programs, which offers a variety of internship, management training, and contractual position opportunities in hotels and resorts across Asia. Joining this program means paving your path in the international hospitality industry while basking in the Maldives paradise — so take your chance and apply! DETAILS Host: A 5-Star Island Resort by Aydeniz Group Destination: Maldives Department: Front Office Program: Hospitality & Business Internship Duration: 6 months Intake: February and March 2024 GUEST RELATIONS - RESPONSIBILITIES - Review arrival lists to welcome guests - Attend to special guests (e.g. VIPs) and answer their inquiries - Provide information about hotel services, amenities, areas, and venues - Anticipate guest needs and build rapport with customers - Address customer complaints - Record information in the logbook daily - Ensure compliance with health and quality standards - Other related duties in the front office department PROGRAM BENEFITS - On-site accommodation - Visa sponsorship - Monthly allowance - 3 on-duty meals per day - Uniform with laundry service - Medical insurance - Arrival support (airport pick-up) - Recruitment opportunity by the host - An unforgettable educational travel experience - Additional benefits provided by the host!
Requisitos : GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - Enrolled students or recent graduates within 24 months - School, college, or university reference letter - Conversational English - Physically fit - Well-groomed - Pleasant personality - Clean criminal record - No drug abuse - Minimum 6 months passport validity
Categorías: Empleo

Agente de viajes - (Madrid)

Mié, 07/02/2024 - 00:55
Empresas: HalcónViajes
Se ofrece puesto de trabajo de agente de viajes de mostrador para venta de producto vacacional de media y larga distancia en zona Madrid. BUSCAMOS un/a AGENTE DE VIAJES a media jornada. POR FAVOR , ABSTENERSE PERFILES QUE NO HAYAN TRABAJADO NUNCA EN AGENCIAS DE VIAJES.
Requisitos : Experiencia en las funciones propias de agente de viajes, como asesoramiento al cliente en los distintos destinos, realización de presupuestos, manejo de webs de mayoristas y reservas. Se valorará conocimientos de Amadeus, experiencia en la venta de rutas culturales de la Comunidad de Madrid e Imserso, flexibilidad en la jornada de trabajo y conocimientos de programa administrativo piscis.
Categorías: Empleo

Auxiliar administrativo recepcionista - (Islas Baleares)

Mar, 06/02/2024 - 21:59
Empresas: Formentera Break
Formentera Break SL es un operador turístico especializado en la comercialización de producto turístico en el destino de Formentera. La compañía se fundó en 2010 y tiene la sede principal en Barcelona y la sede receptiva en Formentera. Se precisa cubrir vacante de auxiliar administrativo recepcionista para la oficina receptiva en Formentera: se trata de un perfil multitarea que principalmente brinda atención a clientes, a proveedores y al personal interno de la compañía. Las funciones a realizar serán las siguientes: - Gestión de las entradas y salidas de clientes. - Tareas administrativas propias del departamento: cobrar y registrar los servicios consumidos por los clientes. Arqueo y cierre de caja diario. - Uso del sistema de reservas y sistema de contabilidad para el control y registro de servicios consumidos por los clientes. - Coordinar con la oficina central de Barcelona la llegada y el seguimiento durante la estancia de los clientes hasta su salida. - Coordinar con el equipo de limpieza las salidas de clientes y aquellas necesidades puntuales de los clientes durante su estancia. - Gestionar eficientemente y resolutivamente las incidencias. - Predisposición para movilizarse a los alojamientos turísticos por necesidad/urgencia o control de las instalaciones. - Generar una atención de calidad respecto a las peticiones y necesidades de los clientes. - Asesorar e informar al cliente con un trato personalizado sobre aspectos turísticos. - Atención a la centralita de Recepción y al teléfono de emergencias. - Según el turno de recepción, se cubrirán los late check-ins (en caso de que haya clientes con llegadas fuera del horario de oficina) y el teléfono de emergencias de noche (ambos trabajos tendrán un incentivo monetario). - Ser la imagen de la agencia cubriendo las necesidades comunicativas cliente-agencia-cliente, así como también proveedor-agencia-proveedor. - Mantener el orden, limpieza y seguridad del área de trabajo. - Desarrollar y mantener relaciones positivas con los otros trabajadores. Se ofrece: - Contrato fijo-discontinuo con incorporación el 02/04/2024. - Duración del contrato: Del 2/04/2024 al 27/10/2024. Del 02/04 al 30/04 formación en Barcelona y del 01/05 al 27/10 en Formentera. Observaciones: - Disponibilidad para trabajar en todos los turnos de recepción. - Las 4 competencias que más valora Formentera Break son: 1) Análisis y resolución de problemas, 2) Organización, 3) Trabajo en equipo y 4) Orientación al cliente.
Requisitos : - Se valorará que la residencia habitual sea Formentera. - Se precisa carné de conducir y coche propio. - Estudios relacionados con Turismo. - Idioma italiano hablado y escrito: imprescindible. - Idioma español hablado y escrito. - Idioma inglés hablado y escrito. - Conocimiento de ofimática, paquete office e internet. - Habilidad en entornos web (back office, intranet y similares). - Persona organizada y capacitada para realizar tareas administrativas. - Trato agradable con capacidad de venta del producto. - Persona proactiva, dinámica, comprometida y responsable. - Imprescindible un carácter resolutivo. - Disponibilidad para trabajar en todos los turnos de recepción. - Experiencia como Recepcionista.
Categorías: Empleo


Mar, 06/02/2024 - 20:36
Empresas: Viagens e Baratas
Resposta a orçamentos. Envio de documentação para clientes. Gestão de pedidos Faturação Emissão e vistos
Requisitos : Olá A equipa da agência de viagens VIAGENS E BARATAS continua a crescer e estamos a recrutar. Se és agente de viagens e procuras um novo desafio, fala connosco. O que procuramos? -Agentes de viagens com experiência comprovada (de preferência mais de 4 anos de experiência - fator preferencial mas NÃO OBRIGATÓRIO); -Disponibilidade para trabalho a tempo inteiro (2f a 6f) nos nossos escritórios na cidade do Porto (obrigatório); -3 a 4 fins de semana por trimestre (fim de semana em trabalho remoto) - quando houver trabalho no fim de semana a folga é imediatamente a seguir na 2f e 3f; -Capacidade de trabalho para lidar com vários pedidos, gerir prioridades e bastante organização; -Fator preferencial: que já conheça o sistema de faturação SIGAV; Procuramos uma pessoa autónoma, com capacidade para fazer bons pacotes a medida e bom conhecimento de operadores com muita atenção ao detalhe. Quais as nossas condições? Contrato de trabalho; Seguro de acidentes de trabalho; Formações continuas; Bom espírito de equipa; Bonus ou prémios depois de um ano connosco. Opção de horário: das 8h as 17h OU 9h as 18h OU das 10h as 19h. O nosso objetivo é criar equipas que fiquem connosco muitos anos por isso temos preferência por pessoas que procurem um bom desafio a longo prazo e não uma experiência temporária. Juntas-te a nós?! ??
Categorías: Empleo

Customer Success Trainee - Portuguese market - (Barcelona)

Mar, 06/02/2024 - 18:20
Empresas: Turijobs
About Turijobs (a StepStone Company) Turijobs is the leading employment job board for tourism and hospitality in Spain. We are the meeting point for professionals in the sector. We operate internationally in Portugal, Italy, Mexico and Italy with more than 1’5 million candidates. Since 2017 we are part of the Stepstone Group. We are the largest European employment platform in tourism. Together, we have more than 3.8 million CVs registered. We own the hospitality e-recruiting market in the western world. Taking full responsibility, we have made the industry an attractive place to work for. For candidates we are destination number one when it comes to finding the job they love. Your opportunity in Turijobs: We are looking for a Customer Service trainee to join our department. If you are passionate, customer-oriented, proactive and patient, ¡this position could be for you! Your main responsibilities will be: • Establish a relationship of trust with each customer who hires our services, representing the values of the company, through the different channels: telephone, e-mail. •Proactive follow up of the accounts, ensuring the correct use of the platform and the services contracted by our clients. • Do onboarding/demo to new customers. Ability to meet customer needs, understand their concerns, and resolve issues in a friendly and efficient manner. What makes Turijobs different? * We believe that people is the key, and this diversity adds incredible value to our teams, our products, and our company. * We work hard with energy and passion for hospitality industry. * Service is our passion: Our vocation is to serve our clients because we love the hospitality industry. * We are the maximum responsible of our work, we roll up our sleeves and get work done no matter our position and level. If you believe you match with us, we will like to meet you! **Paid internship ** Our office is based in Barcelona. You will love our views
Requisitos : Native level of Portuguese is a must. An advanced level of English and Spanish is required. Organized and responsible person. Resolute person and ability to adapt. Proeficient Computer skills/Microsoft Office
Categorías: Empleo

Sales Development Representatives (SDR) Trainee - (Barcelona)

Mar, 06/02/2024 - 18:12
Empresas: Turijobs
Your opportunity in Turijobs: At Turijobs we're looking for a new Sales Development Representative Intern (SDR) for Mexican Market to help us boost the company to the next level. You will be a pioneer in your own market. Search and generate new leads and potential clients that are aligned with Turijobs. Manage communication with prospective B2B clients. Use of Salesforce to introduce all the important information. You will you be responsible for securing and closing meetings for the Sales Manager. About Turijobs (a StepStone Company) Turijobs is the leading employment job board for tourism and hospitality in Spain. We are the meeting point for professionals in the sector. We operate internationally in Portugal, Italy, Mexico and Italy with more than 1’5 million candidates. Since 2017 we are part of the Stepstone Group. We are the largest European employment platform in tourism. Together, we have more than 3.8 million CVs registered. We own the hospitality e-recruiting market in the western world. Taking full responsibility, we have made the industry an attractive place to work for. For candidates we are destination number one when it comes to finding the job they love. Turicommitment: We are the maximum responsible of our work, we roll up our sleeves and get work done no matter our position and level. If you believe you match these values, we look forward to meeting you! At Turijobs we know that the best ideas and solutions come by bringing together people and where everyone feels heard and has the chance to make a real impact. It is because of this that we are committed to providing equal opportunities to talent from all backgrounds. **Paid internship ** Our office is based in Barcelona. You will love our views
Requisitos : Your Profile in Turijobs: • Passion for what Turijobs does and our vision. • You can sign an internship agreement with your University • You can work 35-40 hours per week (Mon-Fri, with flexibility according to your academic schedule) and start asap. • You can easily hold a business conversation in Spanish and fluent in English. • Eager to learn, self-motivated, proactive and driven by achievement. • Excellent communication skills. • Flexibility to adapt to different situations and able to communicate on different levels, a creative concept of sales. • You understand and take ownership of the importance of your role. You will not be just another employee, your efforts and ideas will have a direct impact on Turijobs success. What you will find working at Turijobs: People make the difference: We believe that people is the key, and this diversity adds incredible value to our teams, our products, and our company. Results Matter: We work hard with energy and passion for hospitality industry. Service is our passion: Our vocation is to serve our clients because we love the hospitality industry.
Categorías: Empleo

Bagageiro - Memmo Príncipe Real - (Lisboa)

Mar, 06/02/2024 - 17:12
Empresas: Memmo Príncipe Real
Se pretende perceber o que está na base da filosofia memmo...venha fazer parte da Equipa! Queremos proporcionar ao nosso cliente experiências inesquecíveis, e só é possível porque apostamos nas melhores localizações, nos melhores produtos nacionais, na melhor hospitalidade e, por isso, na melhor Equipa! ATIVIDADES PRINCIPAIS, REGULARES OU COMPLEMENTARES: • Vigia as bagagens dos clientes; • Acompanha os clientes ao quarto e transporta a sua bagagem; • Abrir a porta principal do hotel aos clientes que entram e saem do hotel; • Manter um registo de carros de cliente que estão no parque de estacionamento fazendo um serviço personalizado de valet parking; • Colocar e distribuir placares informativos; • Conhecer todos os serviços que se prestam aos clientes dentro e fora do Hotel; • Efetuar arquivo da documentação da secção; • Realizar o trabalho administrativo necessário ao bom funcionamento de gestão do parque/garagem; • Encaminha o serviço de entrega de bagagens dos clientes desde a sua chegada até à saída do Hotel; • Fazer uma breve explicação dos quartos conforme standards de serviço; • Todas e quaisquer outras funções designadas pela sua chefia direta.
Requisitos : • Boa apresentação • Facilidade de comunicação oral e escrita; • Grande sentido de responsabilidade; • Boa Postura; • Trabalho em equipa; • Cumprir e fazer cumprir os procedimentos internos; • Gestão de tempo; • Domínio idioma: Inglês. Outros idiomas serão considerados uma mais-valia • Carta de Condução
Categorías: Empleo

Técnico de reservas - (Lisboa)

Mar, 06/02/2024 - 17:12
Empresas: Memmo Hotels
Se pretende conhecer o que está na base da filosofia memmo...venha fazer parte da Equipa! Queremos proporcionar ao nosso cliente experiências inesquecíveis, e só é possível porque apostamos nas melhores localizações, nos melhores produtos nacionais, na melhor hospitalidade e, por isso, na melhor Equipa! ATIVIDADES PRINCIPAIS, REGULARES OU COMPLEMENTARES . Atendimento telefónico; . Receção e resposta a emails; . Inserção e verificação de reservas no sistema Host . Reconfirmação de valores finais de faturas de clientes e parceiros . Confirmação reservas com Tour Operators . Verificação diária de entradas . Inclusão de pedidos especiais nas reservas . Orçamentação de reservas para agências . Ligação com receção nos extras/add on da reserva
Requisitos : . Forte capacidade de organização . Proatividade . Elevada capacidade de comunicação . Orientação para pessoas (clientes e equipa) . Programa: Host l nível intermédio . Idioma: Inglês l nível avançado. Outros idiomas serão considerados
Categorías: Empleo

Rececionista - (Lisboa)

Mar, 06/02/2024 - 17:12
Empresas: Memmo Príncipe Real
Se pretende conhecer o que está na base da filosofia memmo...venha fazer parte da Equipa! Queremos proporcionar ao nosso cliente experiências inesquecíveis, e só é possível porque apostamos nas melhores localizações, nos melhores produtos nacionais, na melhor hospitalidade e, por isso, na melhor Equipa! ATIVIDADES PRINCIPAIS, REGULARES OU COMPLEMENTARES • Efetuar “check-ins” e o "check-outs”; • Acolhimento e atendimento de clientes; • Distribuição de quartos; • Cumprir com os procedimentos de faturação e caixa; • Efetuar reservas individuais e de grupos e atribuir os quartos de acordo com os pedidos; • Identificar e, se possível, tratar das reclamações dos clientes; • Separar e distribuir correspondência e mensagens dos clientes; • Realizar o fecho de contas dos clientes e a faturação de eventos; • Colaborar na definição dos objetivos e regras de funcionamento dos serviços da receção; • Efetuar arquivo da documentação da secção; • Assegurar a manutenção do stock de material necessário ao funcionamento da secção, bem como o seu armazenamento e conservação; • Garantir a resposta imediata a todos os pedidos de reserva sempres que o departamento de reservas estiver ausente do escritório; • Manter o cardex do sistema informático sempre atualizado; • Manter o ficheiro de clientes sempre atualizado e organizado; • Executar sob a coordenação do Chefe de Receção os programas especiais para clientes; • Utilizar de forma sistematizada a transmissão de informações entre turnos; • Manter um arquivo morto organizado e pronto a ser consultado ao nível dos programas internos de qualidade; • Pode assegurar um turno como responsável do mesmo.
Requisitos : COMPETÊNCIAS TÉCNICAS . Domínio Inglês . Outros idiomas serão considerados uma mais-valia . conhecimento Host (preferencial) COMPETÊNCIAS COMPORTAMENTAIS • Capacidade de trabalhar em equipa; • Resistência à pressão; • Gestão de tempo; • Orientação para mudança, inovação e tecnologia; • Elevada capacidade de comunicação; • Gestão de conflitos e resolução de problemas; • Gosto pelo atendimento e contacto com o público.
Categorías: Empleo